Salt Lake City, UT

Jessica Bramwell

Full-stack Web Developer

I'm a Web Developer with a strong background in customer service. The junction where technology meets human concerns is my element. I gain the greatest satisfaction from using my unique knowledge and skills to find solutions for clients, colleagues, and employers.

My past work experience sparked my commitment to interpersonal connection, highlighting the importance that careful communication, active listening, and attention to detail plays in understanding the scope of any problem. At the core, my values stem from a mindset of human-centeredness.

Through the University of Utah’s Web Development Boot Camp, I’ve built a foundation in HTML & CSS, JavaScript, and cutting edge JavaScript libraries and frameworks. I’m now able to leverage those technical skills, along with my dedication to attentive communication and diligent problem-solving, to translate problems into the kind of software and strategies that not only lead to tangible results but work with and for people.


Foundational Skillset

  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Node.js
  • React.js

Database and ORM Experience

  • SQL
    • MySQL
    • Sequelize
  • NoSQL
    • Firebase
    • Mongo
    • Mongoose

Templating and Front-End Frameworks

  • Handlebars
  • Bootstrap
  • Materialize

Version Control and Testing

  • Git & GitHub
  • Travis
  • Mocha
  • Chai


  • Express


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Find and post classes, performances, and auditions.

- For dance communities

Dance Salt Lake

Built with:
  • React
  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • Sequelize
  • Bootstrap
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Search Utah hikes and save them to your favorites list.

- A hike planner


Built with:
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Realtime database
  • The Hiking Project API
  • Materialize
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First slide

Find balance in your todos with colorful visual feedback.

- A life balance app


Built with:
  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • Handlebars
  • Passport
  • Express Sessions
  • Materialize

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